Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/998

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-PEACE WITH BULGARIA-FEB . 10 , 1947 1957 2. All such treaties so notified shall be registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations. 3. All such treaties not so notified shall be regarded as abrogated. PART III MILITARY, NAVAL AND AIR CLAUSES SECTION I Article 9 The maintenance of land, sea and air armaments and fortifications shall be closely restricted to meeting tasks of an internal character and local de- fence of frontiers. In accordance with the foregoing, Bulgaria is authorised to have armed forces consisting of not more than: (a) A land army, including frontier troops, with a total strength of 55,000 personnel; (b) Anti-aircraft artillery with a strength of 1,800 personnel; (c) A navy with a personnel strength of 3,500 and a total tonnage of 7,250 tons; (d) An air force, including any naval air arm, of 90 aircraft, includ- ing reserves, of which not more than 70 may be combat types of aircraft, with a total personnel strength of 5,200. Bulgaria shall not possess or acquire any aircraft designed primarily as bombers with internal bomb- carrying facilities. These strengths shall in each case include combat, service and overhead personnel. Article 10 The personnel of the Bulgarian Army, Navy and Air Force in excess of the respective strengths permitted under Article 9 shall be disbanded within six months from the coming into force of the present Treaty. Article 11 Personnel not included in the Bulgarian Army, Navy or Air Force