Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/1012

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3304 Federation with other U. 8. territories. International coop- eration. Citizenship. Diplomatic proteo- tion. Legislation. 59 Stat. 1050, 1061 . Application of in- ternational conven- tions. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. to the nationals of other states. The Security Council may recom- mend, or invite other organs of the United Nations to consider and recommend, what rights the inhabitants of the trust territory should acquire in consideration of the rights obtained by Members of the United Nations in the trust territory. ARTICLE 9 The administering authority shall be entitled to constitute the trust territory into a customs, fiscal, or administrative union or federation with other territories under United States jurisdiction and to establish common services between such territories and the trust territory where such measures are not inconsistent with the basic objectives of the International Trusteeship System and with the terms of this agreement. ARTICLE 10 The administering authority, acting under the provisions of Article 3 of this agreement, may accept membership in any regional advisory commission, regional authority, or technical organization, or other voluntary association of states, may co-operate with specialized inter- national bodies, public or private, and may engage in other forms of international co-operation. ARTICLE 11 1. The administering authority shall take the necessary steps to pro- vide the status of citizenship of the trust territory for the inhab- itants of the trust territory. 2. The administering authority shall afford diplomatic and consular protection to inhabitants of the trust territory when outside the ter- ritorial limits of the trust territory or of the territory of the admin- istering authority. ARTICLE 12 The administering authority shall enact such legislation as may be necessary to place the provisions of this agreement in effect in the trust territory. ARTICLE 13 The provisions of Articles 87 and 88 of the Charter shall be appli- cable to the trust territory, provided that the administering authority may determine the extent of their applicability to any areas which may from time to time be specified by it as closed for security reasons. ABTICLE 14 The administering authority undertakes to apply in the trust terri- tory the provisions of any international conventions and recommenda- tions which may be appropriate to the particular circumstances of the trust territory and which would be conducive to the achievement of the basic objectives of Article 6 of this agreement.