Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/1021

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IRAN-MILITARY MISSION-OCT. 6, 1947 3313 Article 20. The Government of Iran shall provide for members of the Mission suitable office space and facilities such as office equipment, stenographic and clerical help, civilian interpreters and orderlies, as indicated on the table of organi- sation of the Advisory Departaent, and shall give necessary aasistance for the smooth operation and improve- ment of the work of the Mission. Article 21. If any member of the Mission, or any of his family, should die in Iran, the Government of Iran shall have the body trans- ported to such place in the United States of America as the surviving members of the family may decide, but the cost to the Government of Iran shall not exceed the cost of transporting the remains from the place of decease to New York City. Should the deceased be a member of the Mission, his services with the Mission shall be considered to have terminated fifteen (15) days after his death. Return transportation to New York City for the family of the deceased member and for their baggage, household effects, and automobile shall be provided as prescribed in Article 17. All allowances due the deceased member incluling salary for fifteen (155 days subsequent to his death, and reimbursement for expenses and transportation due the deceased member for travel performed on official business of the Government of Iran, shall be paid to the widow of the deceased member or to any other person who may have been designated in writing by the deceased while serving under the terms of this agreeaent; but much widow or other person shall not be compensated for accrued leave due and not taken by the deceased. All compensations due the widow, or other person designated by the deceased, under the provisions of this article, shall be paid within fifteen (15) days of the decease of said mber* -L)· J:.: .- . uJL J-- IS),. ;.. ol1 - 1 - '.,, 1I -,:.- , · ,. ~jt ' .Ir, A.J is-,:.j Al.. cJ: .. ~^ A.: , ., ., Jtf . ,-- J I*-' ,- - .L,I,.I ,WL, jL Jr,.L · - , .l ^,:~. .. y-$.l. Il. . uL... ; ,)«  » ,L- Ij;,t 6 oLt.*t ofJI

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Office space, etc. Transportation of remains in case of death. d 1(1til'atio11 din i deve wt1 nI!uhber. - - 61 STAT.]