Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/1063

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CXCIV INDEX Visa Fees, Passport: France --------------------- .....- _ Norway --------------------._ _ _ _ W War Criminals, Apprehension, Etc., pro- vision in Italian instrument of sur- render_________..___. ... ... . _-- Weather Bureau, Department of Com- merce, meteorological program in the Philippines ----------- _________.- World Health Organization and Establish- ment of Interim Commission------_ Page 2795 3101 2747 2858 2349 I Yugoslavia: German reparations --.. .. ---- ______ Philippines, U. S. trade relations with-_ Reparation to nonrepatriable victims of German action-______________-- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Con- stitution of ------------ .- __ ___- World Health Organization and estab- lishment of Interim Commission__ Page 3157 2451 2649 2495 2349