Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/133

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61 STAT.] PERU-MILITARY AVIATION MISSION-OCT. 7 ,1946 order to organize and elevate to the highest degree of efficiency the fighting forces of the Peruvian Air Corps, in keeping with the poten- tial capacity of the Republic of Peru. ARTICLE 35. Each member of the Mission in his capacity as advisor in the department to which he has been assigned, in accordance with Article 9, shall be required to propose the most expedient means for planning the instruction, organization and functioning of the Department to which he has been assigned. These proposals may be submitted directly to the Chief of the De- partment or to the Peruvian officer to whom the Mission mem- ber is assigned for duty without necessity of transmitting such proposals through the Chief of the Mission. ARTICLE 36. Each member of the Mission shall be capable of conceiving and producing plans of organization, instruction, etc. for the Peruvian Air Forces in his respective specialty. It will not be an indispensable requisite to read, speak, or understand Spanish, but each Mission mem- ber shall be expected to under- stand that language within a short time following his arrival in Peru. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the un- dersigned, Dean Acheson, Acting Secretary of State of the United States of America, and Jorge Prado, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Repub- lic of Peru to the United States of America, duly authorized there- to, have signed this Agreement in duplicate in the English and y elevar al mas alto grado de eficiencia el poderfo belico del Cuerpo Aeronautico del Perd, en conformidad con la capacidad potencial de la Repdblica del Perd. ARTICLo 35. Cada miembro de la Misi6n dentro de su categorfa de Asesor en las Dependencias a las que haya sido asignado, con- forme lo dispone el Articulo 9, estara en la obligaci6n de pro- poner las medidas mas expeditas para planear la instrucci6n, la organizaci6n y el funcionamiento de la Dependencia a la cual haya sido asignado. Estas proposi- ciones podrAn ser hechas directa- mente al Jefe de la Dependencia o al Oficial peruano al cual este asesorando, sin perjuicio de hacerlo tambien directamente por inter- medio del Jefe de la Misi6n. ARTICULO 36. Cada miembro de la Misi6n sera capaz de concebir y producir planes de organizaci6n, de instrucci6n y similares, para el Cuerpo Aeronautico del Perd en su respective especialidad. No sera requisito indispensable el saber leer, hablar, o comprender el idioma castellano, pero si sera capaz de comprender dicho idioma al poco tiempo de su permanencia en el Perd. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, loS infrascritos, Dean Acheson, Secre- tario de Estado Interino de los Estados Unidos de America, y Jorge Prado, Embajador Extra- ordinario y Plenipotenciario del Perd en los Estados Unidos de America, debidamente autorizados para ello, firman este Acuerdo en duplicado, en los idiomas ingles e Proposals for in- struction, organiza- tion, etc., of Depart- ment to which as- signed. Ante, p. 2400 . Language require- ment. 2411