Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/150

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2428 No. 628 LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Reykjavik, Iceland, October 7,1946. 55 Stat. 1547 . Abrogation of de- fense agreement. 55 Stat. 1547. Transfer of Keflavik airport to Govern- ment of Iceland. Withdrawal of U.S. military and naval personnel. EXCELLENCr: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's note of today's date in the following terms: "I have the honour to refer to Your Excellency's note no. 616 dated September 19, 1946, proposing certain arrangements with regard to the termination of the defense agreement of July 1st, 1941, the withdrawal of the United States Armed Forces now in Iceland, and the future use of the Keflavik airport. "In accordance with further conversations that have taken place between representatives of the Government of Iceland and repre- sentatives of the Government of the United States I have the honour to suggest that the proposals for an agreement between the two Governments set forth in Your Excellency's note above mentioned be amended to read as follows: "1. The Government of Iceland and the Government of the United States agree to the abrogation of the defense agreement of July 1, 1941, which shall terminate upon the coming into force of the present agreement. "2. The Keflavik area and the airfields, hereinafter referred to as the airport, and the immovable installations constructed thereon by the United States which will be listed in a joint Icelandic- United States inventory to be prepared concurrently with the transfer of the airport, will be transferred to the Government of Iceland. The airport shall then become the undisputed prop- erty of the Icelandic State in fulfillment of the undertakings of the Government of the United States with respect thereto. "3. The Government of the United States will withdraw as promptly as possible United States military and naval personnel INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. either Government may at any time thereafter give notice in writing of intention to denounce the agreement which shall then terminate twelve months from the date of such notice. Should the Government of the United States accept the amended wording set forth above, the affirmative reply of Your Excellency shall constitute, together with this note, the agreement of the two Govern- ments in these matters. I have the honour to renew to you, Monsieur le Ministre, the assur- ance of my highest consideration. OLAFru THORS. His Excellency Lours G. DREYrUs, jr. United States Minister to Iceland, Reykjavik. The American Minister to the Icelandic Minister for ForeignAffairs