Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/166

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2444 DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON May 4 1946 Entry of Philippine goods under Philip- pine Trade Act of 1946. 60 Stat. 141. 22U.S.C. 1251 t sq. With reference to the forthcoming independence of the Philippines on July 4, 1946, my Government considers that provision for a transi- tional period for dealing with the special tariff position which Philip- pine products have occupied for many years in the United States is an essential accompaniment to Philippine independence. Accord- ingly, under the Philippine Trade Act approved April 30, 1946, goods the growth, produce or manufacture of the Philippines will enter the United States free of duty until 1954, after which they will be subject to gradually and regularly increasing rates of duty or decreasing duty-free quotas until 1974 when general rates will become applicable and all preferences will be completely eliminated. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. The Egyptian Minister to the Acting Secretary of State ROYAL EGYPTIAN LEGATION WASHINGTON, D.C . August 16, 1946 SIR, I have the honour to refer to your letter dated May 4, 1946 inform- ing me that your Government made a provision for a transitional period for dealing with the special tariff position which Philippine products have occupied before independence. Accordingly, under the Philippine Trade Act approved April 30, 1946, goods the growth, pro- duce or manufacture of the Philippines will enter the United States free of duty until 1954, after which they will be subject to gradually and regularly increasing rates of duty or decreasing duty-free quotas until 1974 when general rates will become applicable and all pref- erences will be completely eliminated. I have the pleasure to inform you that after referring the contents of your communication to my Government, I have been authorized to state that until the expiration date of the exceptional treatment of Philippine imports, my Government does not intend to invoke the most-favored-nation clause under the Provisional Commercial Agree- ment between the United States of America and Egypt effected by an exchange of notes signed May 24, 1930. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. M HASSAN The Honourable DEAN ACHESON Acting Secretary of State Washington, D.C . The Acting Secretary of State to the Ethiopian Charge d'Affaires ad interim Sm: