Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/199

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61 STAT.] UNITED KINGDOM-GERMANY-DEC. 2 , 1946 (v) Any further sums which are agreed by the Joint Export- Import Agency to be required for the purchase of Category B imports shall be provided by the two Governments on an equal basis in such manner as they may agree. To the extent that either Government advances sums for the purchase of raw materials for processing and re-export on special terms as regards security and repayment, the other Government may advance equal sums on similar terms. (e) The costs incurred by the two Governments for their two Recovery of costs zones before 1st January, 1947, and for the area thereafter, exports. shall be recovered from future German exports in the shortest practicable time consistent with the rebuilding of the German economy on healthy non-aggressive lines. 7. Relaxation of barriers to trade. With a view to facilitating the expansion of German exports, barriers in the way of trade with Germany should be removed as rapidly as world conditions permit. To the same end the establishment of an exchange value for the mark should be undertaken as soon as this is practicable; financial reform should be effected in Germany at an early date; and the exchange of full technical and business communications between Germany and other countries should be facilitated as soon as possible. Potential buyers of German goods should be provided access to both zones to the full extent that facilities permit, and normal business channels should be restored as soon as possible. 8. Procurement. The determination of import requirements shall be the responsibility of the Joint Export-Import Agency. The procure- ment of these requirements shall be dealt with as follows:- (i) Procurement of Category A imports to the extent that they are financed from appropriated funds of either Government shall be the responsibility of that Govern- mcnt. (ii) Procurement of Category B imports and of Category A imports to the extent that they are not financed by appropriated funds shall be the responsibility of the Joint Export-Import Agency, with such assistance from the two Governments as may be desired. Unless otherwise agreed, subject to the provisions of this paragraph, procurement shall be from the most economical source of supply. However, the sources shall be selected to the fullest extent practicable so as to minimise the drain on the dollar resources of the United Kingdom. The two Governments will establish a joint committee in Wash- joitabishment of ington with the following responsibilities:- (a) In the case of commodities in short supply, to support the re- quirements of the Joint Export-Import Agency before the appropriate authorities. (b) To determine, where necessary, sources of supply and to des- ignate procurement agencies having regard to the financial 2477