Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/246

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2526 THE GOVERNMENTS which have signed the Constitution of the International Refugee Organ- ization, having determined that they will take all measures possible to accomplish expeditiously the entry into effective operation of that Organ- ization, and to provide for an orderly transfer to it of the functions and assets of existing organizations; having decided that, pending the entry into force of the Constitution of the Organization, a Preparatory Commission for the International Refugee Organization should be established for the performance of certain functions and duties; AGCEE to the following measures: 1. There is hereby established a Preparatory Commission for the International Refugee Organ- ization, which shall consist of one representative from each Government signatory to the Consti- tution. The Director of the Inter-governmental Committee on Refugees, the Director-General of UNRRA and the Director of the International Labour Organization, or their representatives, shall be invited to sit with the Commission in a consultative capacity. 2. The Commission shall: (a) take all necessary and practicable measures for the purpose of bringing the Organization into effective operation as soon as possible; (b) arrange for the convening of the General Council in its first session at the earli- est practicable date following the entry into force of the Constitution of the Organization; (c) prepare the provisional agenda for this first session as well as documents and recommendations relating thereto; (d) suggest plans, in consultation with existing organizations and the control authori- 2 ties, for the programme for the first year of the Organization; (e) prepare draft financial and staff regu- lations, and draft rules of procedure for the General Council and the Executive Committee. 3. The Commission may, in its discretion and after agreement with existing organizations deal- ing with refugees and displaced persons, take over any of the functions, activities, assets and personnel of such organizations, provided that the Commission is satisfied that this is essential in order to accomplish the orderly transfer to the International Refugee Organization of such functions or activities. 4. The Commission shall be governed by the rules of procedure of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations so far as these are applicable. 5. The Commission shall appoint an Executive Secretary, who shall serve the Commission in that capacity and perform such duties as the Commission may determine. He shall be respon- sible for the appointment and direction of such staff as may be required for the work of the Commission. 6. The expenses of the Commission may be met by advances from such Governments as choose to make advance contributions, which shall be deductible from their first contributions to the Organization; and from such funds and assets as may be transferred from existing organ- izations to meet the cases provided for in para- graph 3 of this Agreement. 7. The first meeting of the Commission shall be convened as soon as practicable by the Secre- tary-General of the United Nations. 8. The Commission shall cease to exist upon the election of the Director-General of the Organ- ization, at which time its property, assets and records shall be transferred to the Organization. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. AGREEMENT ON INTERIM MEASURES TO BE TAKEN IN RESPECT OF REFUGEES AND DISPLACED PERSONS