Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/280

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61 STAT.] PHILIPPINES-PUBLIC ROADS PROGRAM-FEB . 14, 1947 cations accounting and audit staff with respect to maintaining appro- priate project cost accounts, and adequate basic field records to be kept by contractors or other constructing agency for jobs handled under force account or direct labor construction methods; the suffi- ciency of these accounts and records being subject at all times to approval of the United States Public Roads Administration. The United States Public Roads Administration shall have the right of access to all such records and accounts for the purpose of conducting detailed audits and cost analyses as may be found requisite to sup- port the disbursements of the funds made available by the United States Government under this Agreement. The United States Public Roads Administration also shall have access to records and all other data and documents of the Philippine Department of Public Works and Communications pertaining to the financial ability and other qualifications of contractors bidding on work embraced in this Agree- ment. ARTICLE VII The Republic of the Philippines agrees to provide all lands, ease- ments, and rights-of-way necessary for the execution of the projects under the programs to which this Agreement relates; and the Public Roads Administration is authorized in the prosecution of these pro- grams to accept and utilize thereon contributions of labor, materials, equipment, and money from the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and its political subdivisions. ARTICLE VIII On projects financed jointly by the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines, agreement will be reached between the representatives of the United States Public Roads Administration and the Philippine Department of Public Works and Communica- tions as to standards of construction. Frequent inspections will be made by representatives of the United States Public Roads Adiinis- tration to determine whether these standards are being met. The Philippine Department of Public Works and Communications will be advised of the results of such inspections. Payment of funds for work so determined as satisfactory will be made as outlined in Article V hereof. Unsatisfactory work will be corrected before payment is made therefor. ARTICLE IX The Republic of the Philippines shall maintain and operate to the satisfaction of the United States Public Roads Administration on the projects and facilities provided for in this Agreement during the period of this Agreement. Representatives of the United States Pub- lic Roads Administration shall make frequent inspections to deter- mine whether maintenance and operation are satisfactory. The Phil- ippine Department of Public Works and Communications will be advised of the results of such inspections. 2563 Provision of lands, etc. Standards of con- struction. Maintenance and operation.