Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/293

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2576 Connecting service. Determination of rates. Approval of rates. Filing of proposed rates. Procedure if U. S. authorities are em- powered to fix rates, etc. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. ARTICLE V. When, for the purpose of economy of onward carriage of through traffic, different aircraft are used on different sections of a specified air route, with the point of change in the territory of one of the Con- tracting Parties, such change of aircraft shall not affect the provisions of this Agreement relating to the capacity of the air service and the carriage of traffic. In such cases the second aircraft shall be scheduled to provide a connecting service with the first aircraft, and shall normally await its arrival. ARTICLE VI. (A) The determination of rates in accordance with the following paragraphs shall be made at reasonable levels, due regard being paid to all relevant factors, such as cost of operation, reasonable profit, and the rates charged by any other air lines, as well as the characteristics of each service. (B) The rates to be charged by the air lines of either Contracting Party between points in the territory of the United States and points in Indian territory on the specified air routes shall be subject to the approval of the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties, who shall act in accordance with their obligations under this Agree- ment, within the limits of their legal powers. (C) The Civil Aeronautics Board of the United States has ap- proved the traffic conference machinery of the International Air Transport Association for a period of one year beginning in Feb- ruary 1946. Any rate agreements concluded through this machinery during this period and involving United States air lines will be sub- ject to approval by the Board. While neither Contracting Party desires in this Agreement to commit itself to any continued approval of the traffic conference machinery of the International Air Transport Association, both Parties express their desire to facilitate rate agree- ments by means of machinery of this type, it being understood, how- ever, that rates agreed upon through such machinery must be subject to the approval of the Contracting Parties of this Agreement. (D) Any rate proposed by the air line or air lines of either Con- tracting Party for carriage from the territory of one Contracting Party to a point or points in the territory of the other Contracting Party shall be filed with the aeronautical authorities of both Con- tracting Parties at least thirty days before the proposed date of intro- duction; provided that this period of thirty days may be reduced in particular cases if so agreed by the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties. (E) In the event that power is conferred by law upon the aeronau- tical authorities of the United States to fix fair and economic rates for the transport of persons and property by air on international services and to suspend proposed rates in a manner comparable to that in which the Civil Aeronautics Board at present is empowered to act with respect to such rates for the transport of persons and property by air within the United States, the following procedure shall apply: