Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/333

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2616 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. class which (during the twelve months ended on the last day of the month preceding the month in which occurred the date pro- claimed by the President as the date of the beginning of the investigation) was entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, in the United States for consumption; or, if the quota is established for any period other than a twelve-month period, is not less than a proportionate amount. Discontinuance. Any quota established pursuant to this Paragraph shall not continue in effect after the President, following investigation, finds and pro- claims that the conditions which gave rise to the establishment of such quota no longer exist. Post, p. 33. 2. If the President of the United States finds that the allocation of any quota established pursuant to Paragraph 1 of this Article is necessary to make the application of the quota just and reasonable between the United States and the Philippines, he shall, in such proclamation or a subsequent proclamation, provide the basis for such allocation, and if he exercises such right, the Philippines will promptly put and keep in effect, on the basis proclaimed by the President of the United States, the allocation of such quota. ARTICLE IV Internal tax on U. S. articles coming into Philippines. Internal tax on ar- ticles of foreign coun- tries. Internal tax on ar- ticles of Philippines coming into U. S. 1. With respect to articles which are products of the United States coming into the Philippines, or with respect to articles manufactured in the Philippines wholly or in part from such articles, no internal tax shall be- (a) Collected or paid in an amount in excess of the internal tax imposed with respect to like articles which are the product of the Philippines, or collected or paid in any amount if the internal tax is not imposed with respect to such like articles; (b) Collected or paid in an amount in excess of the internal tax imposed with respect to like articles which are the product of any other foreign country, or collected or paid in any amount if the internal tax is not imposed with respect to such like articles. Where an internal tax is imposed with respect to an article which is the product of a foreign country to compensate for an internal tax imposed (1) with respect to a like article which is the product of the Philippines, or (2) with respect to materials used in the production of a like article which is the product of the Philippines, if the amount of the internal tax which is collected and paid with respect to the article which is the product of the United States is not in excess of that per- mitted by Paragraph 1 (b) of Article IV such collection and payment shall not be regarded as in violation of the first sentence of this Paragraph. 2. With respect to articles which are products of the Philippines coming into the United States, or with respect to articles manu- factured in the United States wholly or in part from such articles, no internal tax shall be-