Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/337

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2620 Offenses. 60 Stat. 128. i§ 1751-1763. False statement. Excess remunera- tion for services in connection with cer- tain claims. Consultation. Acceptance of agree- ment by Congress of the Philippines. 60 Stat. 141. 22U. S. C. 11251 note. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. keep in force during the period for which each such quota is estab- lished, such legislation as is necessary to put and keep in effect, on the basis provided by the United States, the allocation of such quotas. 3. The Philippines agree to assist the United States in carrying out Title I of the Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946 of the United States by providing that the following acts relative to such Title shall be offenses under the laws of the Philippines, and that, upon conviction thereof, the penalties attached to such offenses shall be enforced: (a) Whoever, in the Philippines or elsewhere, makes any statement or representation knowing it to be false, or whoever willfully and fraudulently overvalues loss of or damage to property for the purpose of obtaining for himself or for any claimant any compensation pursuant to such Title, or for the purpose of influencing in any way the action of the Philippine War Damage Commission of the United States with respect to any claim for compensation pursuant to such Title, or for the purpose of obtain- ing money, property, or anything of value under such Title, shall be punished by a fine of not more than the equivalent, in the currency of the Philippines, of five thousand dollars, United States currency, or by imprisonment for not more than two years, or both, and shall not receive any payments or other benefits under such Title and, if any payment or benefit shall have been made or granted, such Commission shall take such action as may be necessary to recover the same. (b) Whoever, in the Philippines or elsewhere, pays or offers to pay, or promises to pay, or receives, on account of services ren- dered or to be rendered in connection with any claim for compen- sation under such Title, any remuneration in excess of five per centum of the compensation paid by the Philippine War Damage Commission of the United States on account of such claim, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than the equivalent, in the currency of the Philippines, of five thousand dollars, United States currency, or imprisonment for not more than twelve months, or both, and, if any such payment or benefit shall have been made or granted, such Commission shall take such action as may be necessary to recover the same, and, in addition thereto, any such claimant shall forfeit all rights under such Title. ARTICLE IX The United States and the Philippines agree to consult with each other with respect to any questions as to the interpretation or the application of this Agreement, concerning which either Government may make representations to the other. ARTICLE X 1. The Philippine Trade Act of 1946 of the United States having authorized the President of the United States to enter into this Agree- ment, and the Congress of the United States having enacted such legislation as may be necessary to make the provisions thereof placing