Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/350

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61 STAT.] PHILIPPINES-TRADE- t 22, 19462633 ing twine described", and the word "Manila" shall be changed to read "manila". 4. In Item G of the Schedule to Article II the word "Buttoms" Ante,p .2616. should be changed to read "Buttons". 5. In Article III, Paragraph 1 the word "and" shall be inserted Ante, p. 2616 after the semicolon at the end of indented Subparagraph (a). 6. Article III, Paragraph 2 shall be changed to read as follows: Ante, p.2616 . "2. If the President of the United States finds that the allocation of any quota established pursuant to Paragraph 1 of this Article is necessary to make the application of the quota just and reasonable between the United States and the Philippines, the United States shall have the right to provide the basis for the allocation of such quota, and, if the United States exercises such right, the Philippines will promptly put and keep in effect, on the basis provided by the United States, the allocation of such quota." 7. In the last sentence of Article IV, Paragraph 2 the word "Sec- Ante, p.2617 tions" shall be changed to read "Section". 8. In Article IV, Paragraph 5 the word "Manila" shall be changed Ante p. 2617- to read "manila". 9. In Article V the phrase "into the United States dollars" shall Ante, p 2617- be changed to read "into United States dollars". 10. In clause (b) of the first sentence of Article VIII, Paragraph 1 Ante p. 2619. the phrase "and continnue in effect" shall be changed to read "and continue in effect". 11. At the end of Article X, Paragraph 2 the phrase "six months' Ante, p -2621 . notice." shall be changed to read "six months' written notice." 12. In clause (5) of Subparagraph (d) of Paragraph 1 of the Protocol Ante p. 2623 . the phrase "weight or which consists of" shall be changed to read "weight of which consists of". 13. In Annex II the word "Manila" shall be changed to read A nt e, ' 2'2'. "manila". 14. In the last sentence of Annex IV, Section 2300 delete the comma n"t, 2627 after the word "milk". 15. In Annex V, Section 2320, Subsection (b) the phrase "used for Anl e, '. 2627 the purpose with the effect of" shall be changed to read "used for the purpose or with the effect of". 16. At the end of Annex VII the date "May 30, 1946." shall be Ane, p . 2630. changed to read "June 30, 1946." 17. In Annex X, Section 3507, Subsection (b) the phrase "sugar Ante.p.2631. beets or sugar cane" shall be changed to "sugar beets or sugarcane". Since this note includes the matters covered by the notes exchanged on July 5, 1946 and July 16, 1946 relative to the correction of two typographical errors in said Agreement of July 4, 1946, the present exchange of notes shall supersede such earlier exchange of notes. If the above provisions are acceptable to the Government of the Republic of the Philippines this note and the reply signifying assent thereto shall, if agreeable to that Government, be regarded as amend- ing the said Agreement of July 4, 1946, and the Protocol and Annexes thereto, and as constituting an integral part thereof.