Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/390

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HAITI-FINANCES-SEPT. 30, 1946 "There shall be two co-Presidents of the Board of Directors of the Bank. One of these, the Haitian Minister of Finance, shall act as Honorary President, as indicated above, and shall preside over the meetings of the Board of Directors, and may be one of the two Haitian voting members. The other co-President shall be one of the two citizens of the United States of America. It shall be his duty to represent the holders of the bonds of 1922 and 1923 and to coordinate and direct the functions and activities of the two Vice Presidents, who shall be elected by the Board of Directors of the Bank, and who may be members of the Board. One of the Vice Presidents shall be charged with supervising and carrying out the commercial operations of the Bank, and the other shall be charged with supervising and carrying out the fiscal functions of the Bank, under the immediate direction of the President who shall be re- sponsible for such work. "Any voting member of the Board of Directors of the Bank who is unable to attend a meeting of the Board may give a proxy to any other member of the Board of Directors. "The Board of Directors shall exercise with respect to the fiscal functions of the Bank the powers hereinafter set forth. The Fiscal functions of the Bank shall be undertaken by a Fiscal Department to be operated in accordance with the regulations issued by the Board of Directors pursuant to such powers. "The Board of Directors shall continue to exercise with respect to all other functions of the Bank the powers set forth in the charter and by-laws of the Bank." I await Your Excellency's Note in reply confirming the amendments to the text of Article III as set forth above and containing the full text in the French language of the Article as amended. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. HAROLD II. TITTMANN His Excellency Dr. JEAN PRICE-MARS, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Port-au-Prince. The Haitian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to the American Ambassador BECRETAIRERIE D'ETAT DES RELATIONS EXTERIEUBES No. DEC/A-3: 89 PORT-AU-PRINCE, le 30 Septembre 1946 MONSIEUR L'AMBASSADEUR, J'ai l'honneur d'accuser reception de la note No. 10, dat~e du 30 Septembre en cours, par laquelle Votre Excellence me fait part de l'acceptation par Son Gouvernement des modifications de l'Art. III de l'Accord Ex6cutif du 13 Septembre 1941, envisagees dans la note 2675 61 STAT.]