Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/408

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61 STAT.] PARAGUAY-RECIPROCAL TRADE-SEPT. 12 , 1946 2. The Government establish- ing or maintaining such control shall impose no prohibition, re- striction or delay on the trans- fer of payment for any article the growth, produce or manufac- ture of the other country which is not imposed on the transfer of pay- ment for the like article the growth, produce or manufacture of any third country. With re- spect to rates of exchange and with respect to taxes or charges on exchange transactions, articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the other country shall be accord- ed unconditionally treatment no less favorable than that accorded to the like articles the growth, produce or manufacture of any third country. The foregoing pro- visions shall also extend to the application of such control to payments necessary for or inci- dental to the importation of arti- cles the growth, produce or manu- facture of the other country. In general, the control shall be ad- ministered so as not to influence to the disadvantage of the other country the competitive relation- ships between articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the ter- ritories of that country and like articles the growth, produce or manufacture of third countries. ARTICLE V 1. If the Government of the United States of America or the Government of the Republic of Paraguay establishes or maintains a monopoly for the importation, exportation, sale, distribution or production of any article or grants exclusive privileges to any agency to import, export, sell, distribute or produce any article, the com- merce of the other country shall 95347°-49-PT. III -27 2. El Gobierno que establezca o mantenga tal control no impon- dra ninguna prohibici6n, restric- ci6n o demora a la transferencia del pago para cualquier articulo cultivado, producido o manufac- turado en el otro pais que no se imponga a la transferencia del pago para un articulo similar cultivado, producido o manufac- turado en cualquier tercer pais. Con respecto a los tipos de cambio y con respecto a las tasas o cargas sobre operaciones de cambio, a los articulos cultivados, producidos o manufacturados en el otro pals se les concedera un tratamiento in- condicional no menos favorable que el concedido a los articulos similares cultivados, producidos o manufacturados en cualquier ter- cer pals. Las disposiciones que anteceden tambien se extenderan a la aplicaci6n del control a los pagos necesarios para o inherentes a la importaci6n de los articulos cultivados, producidos o manu- facturados en el otro pais. En general, el control se aplicara de manera que no sea en perjuicio del otro pals en lo que rcspecta a la competencia entro los articulos cultivados, producidos o mnanu- facturados en los territorios do ese pais y los articulos similares cul- tivados, producidos o manufac- turados en terceros paises. ARTICULO V 1. Si el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America o el Gobierno de la Republica del Paraguay establece o mantiene un monopolio para la importaci6n, exportaci6n, venta, distribuci6n o producci6n de cualquier articulo u otorga privilegios exclusivos a cualquier organismo para importar, expor- tar, vender, distribuir o producir cualquier articulo, se concedera al MonopoUe. 2693