Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/412

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61 STAT.] PARAGUAY-RECIPROCAL TRADE-SEPT. 12 , 1946 nary customs duties in excess of those set forth and provided for in the said Schedule, subject to the conditions therein set out. The said articles shall also be exempt from all other duties, taxes, fees, charges or exactions, imposed on or in connection with importation, in excess of those im- posed on the day of the signature of this Agreement or required to be imposed thereafter under laws of the Republic of Paraguay in force on that day. Nevertheless, the Government of the Republic of Paraguay reserves the right to consolidate, in connection with a general revision of the customs tariff, the duties, taxes, fees, charges or exactions imposed on or in connection with importation, provided that such consolidation does not have the effect of impair- ing the value of any concession provided for in Schedule I. ARTICLE VIII Articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the Republic of Paraguay, enumerated and de- scribed in Schedule II annexed to this Agreement and made an in- tegral part thereof, shall, on their importation into the United States of America, be exempt from ordi- nary customs duties in excess of those set forth and provided for in the said Schedule, subject to the conditions therein set out. The said articles shall also be exempt from all other duties, taxes, fees, charges or exactions, imposed on or in connection with importation, in excess of those imposed on the day of the signa- ture of this Agreement or required to be imposed thereafter under aduaneros ordinarios superiores a los estipulados y previstos en dicha Planilla, con sujeci6n a las condiciones establecidas en la mis- ma. Dichos articulos estaran tambi6n exentos de todo otro derecho aduanero, impuesto, tasa, carga o gravamen impuesto a la importaci6n o en relaci6n con ella, que excediere a los que se im- pongan en la fecha de la firma de este Convenio o a aquellos cuya imposici6n ulterior estipulen las leyes de la Repdblica del Paraguay en vigor en esa fecha. No obstante, el Gobierno de la Repi- blica del Paraguay se reserva el derecho de consolidar, en conexi6n con una revisi6n general del aran- cel aduanero de importaciones, los derechos, impuestos, tasas, cargas o gravamenes impuestos a la importaci6n o en relaci6n con ella, siempre que dicha consolida- ci6n no tenga el efecto de menos- cabar el valor de cualquier con- cesi6n prevista en la Planilla I. ARTICULO VIII Los articulos cultivados, pro- ducidos o inanufacturados en la Republica del Paraguay, enumlera- dos y descritos en la Planilla II anexa a este Convenio, del cual forma parte integrante, al ser importados en los Estados Unidos de America, estarin exentos de derechos aduaneros ordinarios su- periores a los estipulados y pre- vistos en dicha Planilla, con suje- ci6n a las condiciones establecidas en la misma. Dichos articulos estaran tambien exentos de todo otro derecho aduanero, impuesto, tasa, carga o gravamen impuesto a la importaci6n o en relaci6n con ella, que excediere a los que ya se impongan en la fecha de la firma de este Convenio o a aqu6llos cuya Right to consolidate duties, etc. Imiports fromll I'lar , p. 2714. I'ost, p.. 2714. 2697