Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/484

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61 STAT.] ITALY-ARMISTICE AND SURRENDER Sept. 3,23, 29,1943 2769 Nov. 9, 17. 1943 AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE NAVAL COMMANDER. IN-CHIEF, MEDITERRANEAN, ALLIED FORCES AND THE ROYAL ITALIAN MINISTER OF MARINE WITH RESPECT TO THE EMPLOY- MENT OF THE ITALIAN NAVY. The aforementioned agreement is amended as follows: The following phrase to be added to the Preamble: Ante, p. 2766. "It is understood and agreed that the provisions of this agreement as to immediate employment and disposition of Italian warships and merchant ships do not affect the right of United Nations to make such other dispositions of any or all Italian ships as they may think fit. Their decisions in this respect will be notified to the Italian Government from time to time." Final sentence of last paragraph to be amended to read: Ante, p. 2768 . "will be manned so far as possible by crews provided by Italian Ministry of Marine and will fly the Italian flag." The present instrument is drawn up in English and Italian, the Authentic text English text being authentic, and in case of any dispute regarding its interpretation the decision of the Control Commission will prevail. Signed on the 17 th November 1943 at BRINDISI. For the Naval Coander-in-Chief Mediterranen, Allied Fore".