Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/516

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61 STAT.] CHINA-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-DEC. 20, 1946 Article 11 In the event either of the contracting parties considers it desirable Oonsultation. to modify the routes or conditions set forth in the attached Annex, it may request consultation between the competent aeronautical au- thorities of both contracting parties, such consultation to begin within a period of 60 days from the date of the request. When these au- thorities mutually agree on new or revised conditions affecting the Annex, their recommendations on the matter will come into effect after they have been confirmed by an exchange of diplomatic notes. Article 12 This Agreement shall continue in force for a period of four years or until it may be superseded in order to conform with a general multilateral air transport convention which may enter into force in relation to both contracting parties. Upon the expiration of this Agreement its renewal for additional periods of time to be agreed upon may be effected by an exchange of diplomatic notes. It is un- derstood and agreed, however, that this Agreement may be termi- nated by either contracting party upon giving one year's notice to the other contracting party. Such notice may be given at any time after a period of two months to allow for consultation between the contracting parties. Article 13 This Agreement, including the provisions of the Annex hereto, will come into force on the day it is signed. Done in duplicate, in the English and Chinese languages, both equally authentic, at Nanking, this twentieth day of December, one thousand nine hundred forty-six, corresponding to the twentieth day of the twelfth month of the thirty-fifth year of the Republic of China. For the Government of the United States of America: J. LEIGHTON STUART For the Government of the Republic of China: 3 WANG SIIuI-CHIEH 4' Duration of agree- ment. Entry into force. Authentic lan- guages. 2803