Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/548

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. the following items as may be determined from time to time by the Di- rector, or his representative, and the Chief, or his representative: (a) Oceanography of the waters in which fisheries are conducted or may be developed to determine the nature of physical factors such as cur- rents, salinity, temperature, plankton abundance, et cetera, affecting such fisheries, which will be correlated with (b) studies of the kinds, abundance, distribution, seasonal and periodic migration, life history and ecology of the various species that comprise the fishery resources, and their management on a sustained yield basis, which studies are fundamental to (c) exploratory fishing to determine the commercial practicability of conducting operations in various areas; the optimum types of gear suitable for exploitation of the resources in such areas; and modifications or improvements in existing fishing practices in order to provide for better utilization of the resources. As an ad- junct to the foregoing there also may be conducted (d) studies of handling, dressing, and storing catches on shipboard and at shore fishery establishments in order to improve the quality of the product, to prevent waste, and to promote efficiency of operations; (e) experi- ments in the freezing, smoking, salting, canning, and other processing of fishery products to promote efficiency and quality of the product as well as to devise methods that are the most economical and efficient; (f) studies and pilot-plant experiments in the preparation of fishery by-products such as industrial and vitamin oils, fish meal, glue, pearl essence, hides for leather, and other items, so as to utilize species, portions of the catch, and offal, that cannot be utilized for human food; (g) studies of the management of brackish and fresh water fish ponds, with a view toward promoting greater production and efficiency through fertilization, the introduction of sanitary measures and con- trol of parasites and diseases; (h) the collection, analysis, and dissem- ination of current and annual statistics on fishery production as busi- ness indices and as an aid in biological assessment of the condition of the fishery stocks and fluctuations in abundance; (i) economic studies of employment, production, distribution, and marketing including cost analyses and business consultant services and all segments of the fishing industry to aid in its development and promote its efficiency; (j) studies of distribution and marketing of fishery products in order that supplies may be diverted to deficiency areas, thus avoiding the unprofitable and wasteful accumulation of surpluses in other areas; and (k) efforts to provide such aids as the industry may require in acquiring equipment and facilities. ArmcLE IV Provision of lands, The Government of the Republic of the Philippines agrees to pro- equipment, etc., by Philippoe Oovern- vide free of cost to the Government of the United States of America such lands, rights-of-way and easements as may be necessary for carrying out the terms of this Agreement. Furthermore, the Gov- ernment of the Republic of the Philippines shall furnish such equip- ment, facilities and qualified personnel necessary to carry out the purposes of this Agreement as may be available to the Government 2836