Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/553

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61 STAT.] PHILIPPINES-FINANCIAL COMMISSION-SEPT. 13 , 17, 1946 and activation of commission. You will be advised names of American members when designated and probable date of depar- ture. In view of exchange correspondence between President Tru- man and President Roxas last month on this question, it is desired here that arrangements go forward with all possible speed. Please advise promptly of all developments." I shall be very glad to receive and transmit to the Department of State the concurrence of your Government and, thus, to facilitate the establishment of the American-Philippine Financial Commission. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest considera- tion. PAUL V. McNurr His Excellency ELPIDIO QUIRINO, Secretary of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of the Philippines. The Secretary of ForeignAffairs for the Republic of the Philippines to the American Ambassador REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS MANILA, September 17, 1946 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to your note of September 13 regarding the creation of a joint American-Philippine Commission to consider the financial and budgetary problems of the Philippines and to make recommendations thereon to our two governments. My Government accepts with pleasure the proposal of your Govern- ment that a joint American-Philippine Finance Commission be estab- lished. My Government approves the plan to entrust to the proposed Commission the consideration of the financial and budgetary problems of the Philippine Government and the formulation of recommenda- tions to the two governments of measures to meet budgetary deficits of the Philippine Government. My Government also approves the proposal that this Commission consider and make recommendations to the Philippine Government with reference to our taxes and admin- istration, the budget, public debt, currency and banking reform, ex- change and trade problems, reconstruction and development. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. E. QuITNo ELPIDIO QUIRINO Vice-President and concurrently Secretary of Foreign Affairs His Excellency PAUL V. McNUTrr United States Ambassador Manila 2841 Acvptlnc., by 1hl1il i)|,,ii . s .