Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/570

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. May 12, 1947 [T.I.A.S. 18171 60 Stat. 138 . § 1788. Meteorological facil- itles. Filipino trainees 60 Stat. 139. 1791 (a). Agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines respecting a meteorological program in the Philippines. Signed at Manila May 12, 1947; entered intoforce May 12, 1947. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES REGARDING METEORO- LOGICAL FACILITIES AND TRAINING PROGRAM. WimRBAS, the Government of the United States of America has enacted Public Law 370-79th Congress, approved April 30, 1946, known as the Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946, whereof Section 308, entitled "Weather Information", provides: "(a) The Chief of the Weather Bureau of the Department of Commerce is authorized to establish meteorological facilities in the Philippines as may be required to provide weather information, warnings, and forecasts for general agricultural and commercial activities, including meteorological service for the air routes on which air-navigation facilities are operated by the Civil Aero- nautics Administration, and to maintain such meteorological offices until the Philippine Weather Bureau is reestablished and in posi- tion to assume responsibility for the service. "(b) The Chief of the Weather Bureau of the Department of Commerce is authorized, under such regulations as he may adopt, to train not to exceed fifty Filipinos in the first year and not to exceed twenty-five Filipinos in each succeeding year prior to July 1, 1950, the trainees to be designated by the President of the Philip- pines subject to the provisions of Section 311 (c), and the training to include meteorological observations, analyses, forecasting, brief- ing of pilots, and such other meteorological duties as are deemed necessary in maintenance of general weather service, including weather information required for air navigation and the safe opera- tion of air traffic. The training of these employees shall be in addition to and not in lieu of Weather Bureau employees to be trained under current Weather Bureau appropriations." and WHEREAS, the Government of the Republic of the Philippines is desirous of availing itself of the benefits, facilities and services which are authorized by the above-quoted Section 308 of the said Public Law 370-79th Congress; THErEFORE, the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines have decided to conclude an agreement for the foregoing purposes and have agreed mutually as follows: 2858