Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/62

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2340 Concurrence of Bra- zilian Government. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. 2. Em resposta, levo ao conhecimento de Vossa Excelencia que o Governo do Brasil concorda con a inclusao do artigo adicional acima mencionado. Aproveito a oportunidade para renovar a Vossa Excelencia os protestos da minha mais alta consideragao. CARLOS MARTINS PEREIRA E SOUSA A Sua Excelencia o Senhor JAMES F. BYRNES, Secretdrio de Estado dos Estados Unidos da America. Translation EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL No. 61/30.1 (22) Washington, March 21, 1946 MR. SECRETARY OF STATE: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of the note of January 18 of the current year by which Your Excellency informed me that United States Government concurs in extending for a period of four years, beginning on May 7, 1946, the Naval Mission Agreement between the United States of America and Brazil, after the following additional article has been included in the same: "The members of this Mission are enabled and may be authorized to represent the United States of America on any board or in any capacity which pertains to military cooperation or defense of the Hemisphere, without prejudice to this agreement." 2. In reply, I inform Your Excellency that the Government of Brazil concurs in the inclusion of the additional article mentioned above. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. CARLOS MARTINS PEREIRA E SOUSA His Excellency JAMES F. BYRNES, Secretary of State of the United States of America. The Brazilian Ambassador to the Secretary of State URGENTE EMBAIXADA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DO BRASIL No. 98/5.1 (22) Washington, em 2 de maio de 1946. SENHOR SECRETXRIO DE ESTADO, Em aditamento a minha nota no. 61, de 21 de margo dltimo, s6bre a renovagao do contrato da Missao Naval Americana no Brasil, tenho a honra de levar ao conhecimento de Vossa Excelencia que o Governo brasileiro desejaria que, nas clausulas do contrato a entrar em vigor no dia 7 do corrente mes, fossem feitos alguns acr6scimos e alteragoes no sentido de: a) Estabelecer que os oficiais da Missao possam trabalhar junto aos Estados Maiores das Forcas Navais ou nos diversos Departa-