Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/623

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2912 U. S . assistance. 61 Stat., Pt. I, p. 103. Use of assistance by Greece, etc. Post, p. 2932. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. ARTICLE 1 The Government of the United States will furnish the Government of Greece such assist- ance as the President of the United States may authorize to be provided in accordance with the Act of Congress approved May 22, 1947, and any Acts amendatory or supplementary there- to* ARTICLE 2 The Government of Greece will make effect- ive use of any assistance furnished to Greece by the United States and of Greece's own re- sources in order to advance reconstruction and secure recovery in Greece as soon as possible, To this end the Government of Greece has al- ready undertaken, and hereby agrees, to effeC. tuate the measures proposed in its note of June 15, 1947 to the Government of the United