Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/639

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2928 61Stat., Pt. 1, P.15 Po(, p . 2932 Effectivo date; duration. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. make the oontinuanoe of assistance by tlu. Governmaet of the United States pursuant to this Agreement unnecessary or undesirable; (3) Under any of the other oiroumstanoes specified in section 5 of the aforesaid Aot of Congress or if the President of the United States determines that such withdrawal is in the interest of the United States; or (4) If the Government of Greece dbes not take reasonable steps to effectuate those mea- sures proposed in its note of June 15, 1947 or subsequently agreed upon which are essen- tial to reconstruction and recovery in Grseeow ARVICLE 11 This Agreement shall take effeot as frXt this day's date. It shall continue in foroe until a date to be agreed upon by the ato Governments.