Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/646

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GREECE AID- May 26 1947 June 15, 18, 20,1947 engage in activities to promote their mutual protection and economic status. In order to fill its increasingly active role in guiding the recovery and reconstruction efforts during the American aid program, the Gov- ernment will undertake an extensive program to improve its govern- mental organizations and civil service, which were so disrupted by the long years of war. The Greek Government wishes to take this opportunity to renew its request to the United States Government for American personnel who can assist in the Greek recovery effort, including a special Amer- ican Mission to administer the extension of American aid, observe its use by the Greek Government and advise the Greek Government. In order to expedite recovery in Greece and because of the large finan- cial contribution of the United States to Greece, the Mission should participate in the development of revenue and expenditure policies, approve Government expenditures for activities which directly or in- directly involve the use of American aid, take part in the planning of the import program, and approve the use of foreign exchange. The Greek Government would also wish the Mission to assist in the execu- tion of reconstruction projects, improvement of public administration, technical training of civil servants and other personnel, continuation of the health program, development of exports, programming and disposition of Government purchased supplies, promotion of agricul- tural and industrial recovery, and regulation of wages and prices. In general, the Greek Government will wish to consult with the Mission before taking any economic steps which might affect the success of the American aid program. In addition to the members of the Mission who will act as reprsenta- tives of the United States Government, the Greek Government wishes the assistance of the United States Government in employing a limited number of American experts to act in technical and supervisory ca- pacities within the Greek Government. The Government will con- tinue a currency committee consisting of Greeks and foreign' experts with functions modified to fit in with those of the American Mission. As mentioned above, a Foreign Trade Administration headed by an American technician is also planned. In the light of the recent legislation by the Congress of the United States and of the views expressed by the United States Government in its Note No. 230 of May 26, 1947, it is suggested that the two Gov- ernments should enter into a formal agreement on these matters. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. C TSALDARIS His Excellency MR. LINCOLN MACVEAGH Ambassador of the United States of America Athens Improvement of governmental or- ganizations, etc. Request for assist- ance of American per sonnel. Ante, p . 2932. 61 STAT.] 2935