Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/653

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. principles of orderly development to which both Contract- ing Parties subscribe and shall be subject to the general principle that capacity should be related: (a) to traffic requirements between the country of origin and the countries of destination; (b) to the requirements of through airline operation, and (c) to the traffic requirements of the area through which the airline passes after taking account of local and regional services. (6) In so far as the airline or airlines of one Contracting Party may be temporarily prevented through difficulties arising from the War from taking immediate advantage of the opportunity referred to in sub-paragraph (3) above, the situation shall be reviewed between the Contracting Parties with the object of facilitating the necessary development, as soon as the airline or airlines of the first Contracting Party is or are in a position increasingly to make their proper contribution to the service. The Greek Charge d'Affaires ad interim to the Secretary of State No. 3219/7 ROYAL GREEK EMBASSY The Charge d'Affaires ad interim of Greece presents his compliments to His Excellency the Secretary of State and has the honor, on instruc- tions from his Government, to inform him that the Air Transport Agreement signed at Athens, March 27th, 1946, between the United States of America and Greece was ratified by the Greek Parliament, April 19th, 1947, and has been published in the Government Gazette. The above notification is made in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2, of said Agreement. WASHINGTON, D.C . May 22, 1947 The Secretary of State to the Greek Ambassador The Secretary of State presents his compliments to His Excellency the Ambassador of Greece and has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Embassy's note of May 22, 1947 in which notification is given of the approval by the Greek Parliament of the air transport agreement between the United States of America and Greece, signed at Athens on March 27, 1946. Entry intoore. By virtue of that notification, the above-mentioned agreement, Ane, p. 239. pursuant to Article 12 thereof, is considered by this Government as having entered into force definitively on May 22, 1947. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, June 2, 1947. BB 2942