Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/67

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61 STAT.] BRAZIL-NAVAL MISSION- Jan. 3 , 18 , Mar. 21, May 2, 1946 June 8, Aug. 10, Sept. 17, 1946 members of the Mission were granted the same rights and privileges which are enjoyed by diplomatic representatives of corresponding rank accredited in Brazil. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. CARLOS MARTINS PEREIRA E SOUSA His Excellency JAMES F. BYRNES Secretary of State of the United States of America The Secretary of State to the Brazilian Ambassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON Jun 8 1946 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's note, no. 98/530.1(22) dated May 2, 1946, requesting certain modi- fications to the basic Agreement entered into on May 7, 1942 and extended for a period of four years by an exchange of notes dated Jan- uary 3 and 18 and March 21, 1946 respectively, which provides for the assignment of a United States Naval Mission to Brazil. In this connection, I am pleased to inform Your Excellency that the modification of Title IV, Article 4 of the basic Agreement, as sug- gested in paragraph (c) of Your Excellency's note under reference, is acceptable to the Government of the United States of America pro- vided the Agreement is amended as follows: after the word "appointed" there shall be inserted "for a period of less than six months." The Navy Department is of the opinion that for periods longer than six months, temporary members of the Mission should not, in peacetime, be ordered to duty which would require separation from their families for an excessive length of time. When the services of temporary members are required for longer than six months, they should be entitled to the privileges of the present Agreement. With regard to the new composition suggested for the Mission, the Navy Department informs the Department it cannot make definite commitments to furnish all the specialized personnel of officers and enlisted men requested, although every effort will be put forth to make them available. I shall appreciate it if Your Excellency will inform me whether the suggested amendment is acceptable to the Brazilian Government. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest con- sideration. For the Secretary of State: SPRUILLE BRADEN His Excellency CARLOS MARTINS, Ambassador of Brazil. 2345 56 Stat. 1462. Ante, pp. 2338 ,2339. 56 Stat. 1466.