Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/678

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61 STAT.] PERU--HEALTH AND SANITATION-APR . 16, 19, 1947 as other funds, for the uses and purposes of the Cooperative Health and Sanitation Program, provided that the receipt of such additional contributions by the Service is in accord- ance with an advance written mutual agreement between the Minister and Chief of the Mission. (g) Any of the funds tand other property acquired by the Service which are not spent, used and pledged at the expiration of the period covered by this Supplementary Agreement shall remain the property of the Government of Peru and shall continue to be used for the purposes of the cooperative program in a manner mutually agreed upon, in writing, by the Minister and the Chief of the Mission. ARTICLE V. "The Basic Contract, in its extended form, is also amended by the inclusion of the following paragraph: 'The members who make up the Health and Sanitation Mission of the Institute shall not be obligated to pay, in Peru, any direct tax, social security or pension, in case they are subject to the payment of the said taxes in the United States of America. The Government of Peru shall permit free entry of, or, in lieu thereof, shall pay the respective duties on material and equipment neces- sary for the professional use of the personnel of the Mission. Likewise, the Government of Peru shall permit the free entry of, or guarantee the respective duties on, the personal effects of the members of the Mission, in accordance with the restrictive con- ditions to which the members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Government of Peru are subject; for the purposes of this Agreement, the members of the Mission shall be considered as First Secretaries of the Diplomatic Service as regards ex- emptions'. ARTICLE VI. "The Basic Contract and the Extension Contract above-mentioned shall remain in full force and therefore continues the obligation of the Peruvian Government to pay the instalments for January and April, 1947, in the amount of ten thousand seven hundred and twenty-five dollars ($10,725) each, at the rate of exchange of 6.50 soles per dollar, except as they have been modified by this Supplementary Agreement or by reason of their being contradictory thereto. ARTICLE VII. "This Supplementary Agreement shall have the effect of a formal Agreement completely obligating the Contracting Parties and shall come into force after January 1, 1947, as soon as Diplomatic Notes have been exchanged, confirming and approving the terms of this Supplementary Agreement between the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Government of Peru and the Embassy of the United States of America in Peru. 2967 Funds not spent, etc. Exemption of mem- bers of Mission from taxes, etc. Conntlimed nhb itn tion of l'erlvi:s (hov- Ante, p. 2488 . Entry into force.