Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/771

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61 STAT.] SOUTH AFRICA-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-MAY 23, 1947 personnel maintained in accordance with the practice of ICAO. The executive authorities of the contracting parties will use their best efforts under the powers available to them to put into effect the opinion expressed in any such advisory report. A moiety of the expenses of the arbitral tribunal shall be borne by each party. ARTICLE X. This agreement and all relative contracts shall be registered with the International Civil Aviation Organization. ARTICLE XI. (A) This agreement, including the provisions of the annex thereof, will come into force on the day it is signed. (B) Either contracting party may at any time request consultation with the other with a view to initiating any amendments of this agree- ment or its annex which may be desirable in the light of experience. If a multilateral air convention enters into force in relation to both contracting parties, such consultation shall take place with a view to amending the present agreement or its annex so as to conform to the provisions of such a convention. (C) Except as otherwise provided in this agreement or its annex, if either of the contracting parties considers it desirable to modify the terms of the annex to this agreement it may request consultation between the aeronautical authorities of both contracting parties, such consultation to begin within a period of sixty days from the date of the request. Any modification in the annex agreed to by said aeronautical authorities shall come into effect when it has been con- firmed by an exchange of diplomatic notes. (D) When the procedure for a consultation provided for in para- graph (B) of the present article has been initiated, either contracting party may at any time give notice to the other of its desire to terminate this agreement. Such notice shall be simultaneously communicated to the International Civil Aviation Organization. This agreement shall terminate one year after the date of receipt of the notice to terminate by the other contracting party unless the notice is withdrawn by agreement before the expiration of this period. In the absence of acknowledgment of receipt by the other contracting party, notice shall be deemed to have been received fourteen days after the receipt of the notice by the International Civil Aviation Organization. Done at Cape Town this 2 3 r d day of May, 1947, in duplicate in the English and Afrikaans languages, each of which shall be of equal authenticity. T HOLCOMB For the Government of the United States of America: J C SMUTS For the Government of the Union of South Africa: [SEAL] [SEAL] 95347° - 49 -I'T. I -- 50 3061 Registration. Entry into force. Consultation to ini- tiate amendments. Notie r tf dlesire to terlllillnin ag l itw rlltl. Authentic lan- geu2Ies.