Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/803

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61 STAT.] UNITED KINGDOM-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-MAY 21, 23 , 1947 States of America and Newfoundland or such other State as may be empowered to act in that connexion on behalf of Newfoundland. 3. I have the honour to propose that if the provisions of the present note are acceptable to the Government of the United States of America, the present note and Your Excellency's reply should be regarded as constituting an agreement supplemental to the Agreement of the 11th February, 1946, and should be registered as such with the Interna- tional Civil Aviation Organisation. I have the honour to be, with the highest consideration, Your Excellency's obedient Servant, (For the Secretary of State) GEOFFREY KIBK. His Excellency Mr. LEWIS W. DOUGLAS, etc., etc., etc., 1, Grosvenor Square, W.1. The American Ambassador to the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No. 308 May 23 1947 YOUR EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge Your Excellency's Note No. 342/312/802 of May 21st. 1947, relating to the Amendment sulpl)le- mental to the Agreement of February lt h. 1946, governing civil air services between the United States and (the United Kingdlom. I an instructed to informl you that thlis note is sat isf'etorly lo my Governmen t and that this letter const it utes ac(eptIantce of thei i)prolpoed Amlendmlent. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of lmy higlhest consideration. Li:wis DoL'(LAS The Kl. IIon. ERlNEST BIVINV .M. P. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, ForCeign Office, Whitehall, S.W.1. 95347 -- 49- rP. iI 52 3093