Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/835

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PERU-FOOD PRODUCTION- June 11. 1945 Nov. 22, 1946 "7. All incomes accruing to the accounts of SCIPA as the result of normal project operation, through the liquidation of projects, or from whatever sources, will continue to be available to SCIPA for the promotion of those projects from which the income has ac- crued or, through mutual agreement between the Minister of Agri- culture, the Chief of the Food Supply Mission and the Director of SCIPA may be apportioned to other projects of SCIPA. Funds contributed by The Institute of Inter-American Affairs, which may not have been expended or obligated by contract or other legal com- mitment, proportionately with funds contributed by the Peruvian Government, by December 31, 1946, shall be returned to The In- stitute of Inter-American Affairs. The unexpended and unobli- gated funds contributed by the Government of Peru and all ac- crued income from project operations on December 31, 1946, shall remain to the credit of the Peruvian Government with SCIPA. "8. The funds contributed according to this agreement are to be employed only for maintaining or extending projects contemplated under the original agreement, and as provided for in the budget approved August 16, 1943, and as elaborated in the budget approved June 14, 1944, supported by Project Proposals approved by the Minister of Agriculture and the Chief of the Food Supply Mission of The Institute of Inter-American Affairs in Peru and Director of SCIPA, or as modified by them, except that no part of the addi- tional funds contributed by The Institute of Inter-American Affairs shall be utilized in projects involving poultry, fisheries or ware- houses. "9. The Chief of the Food Supply Mission of The Institute of Inter- American Affairs in Peru shall continue as Director of SCIPA for the life of this agreement. "10. The Agreements of May 19,1943 and Juno 1, 1944, shall renmain in full force and effect for the purpose of extending the cooperative food production program through December 31, 1946, except as specifically modified herein, and the provisions contained therein will apply during the life of this agreement. "11. This agreement shall terminate on December 31, 1946. It is understood that during the life of this agreement, there will be an orderly withdrawal of the activities of the Food Supply Division of The Institute of Inter-American Affairs in Peru, and the gradual assumption of its functions by the appropriate entities of the Minis- try of Agriculture. , une ,19 LIMA, June 8, 1945 FOR THE REPUBLIC OF PERU GODOFREDO A. LABIABnE GoDoWmKo A. LARARTHs Minister of Agriculture Incomes accruing to SCIPA. Unexpended funds. etc. Use of funds. Exception. I)irector of SC(IlA. '.7lr l. 111'. HII..

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Stlt. 14M . Termination. FOR THE INSTITUTE OF INTER- AMERICAN AFFAIRS W. C. BRISTER W. C. BRUSTB Vice-President, Institute of Inter-American Affairs" 95347 - - 49-T.111 - 54 (;i STAT.] 3125