Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/883

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. Etre fond6s A pr6senter A titre individuel A un Gouvernement allemand futur, sauf dans la me- sure oh ces r6fugi6s ont b6n6fici6 des ressources pr6vues aux para- graphes A et C ci-dessus. PARTIE II. Agence interalliee des reparations. ARTICLE PREMIER. Constitution de I'agence. Les Gouvernements signataires du present Accord etablissent une Agence Interalliee des R6para- tions (ci-apres appel6e "1'Agence"). Chacun d'eux nomme un d6le gu6 A l'Agence et peut egalement nommer un d6elgu6 suppleant, lequel, en l'absence du d6elgu6, a les fonctions et pouvoirs de celui-ci. ARTICLE 2. Fonctions de l'Agence. A. L'Agence r6partit entre les Gouvernements signataires les re- parations allemandes conforme- ment aux dispositions du present Accord et de tous autres accords qui sont ou seront en vigueur entre les Gouvernements signa- taires. A cette fin, l'Agence est l'organe par lequel les Gouverne- ments signataires recoivent les informations relatives aux presta- tions disponibles A titre de r6pa- rations et expriment leurs deside- rata en la matiere. B. L'Agence traite toutes ques- tions concernant la restitution Aun Gouvernement signataire d'un bien situe dans l'une des zones occiden- tales d'Allemagne, qui lui sont defer6es par le Commandant en chef de cette zone (agissant pour le compte de son Gouvernement), man Government, except to the amount of the benefits that such refugees may have received from the sources referred to in para- graph A and C above. PART II. Inter-allied reparation agency. ARTICLE 1. Establishment of the Agency. The Governments Signatory to the present Agreement hereby establish an Inter-Allied Repara- tion Agency (hereinafter referred to as "The Agency"). Each Gov- ernment shall appoint a Delegate to the Agency and shall also be entitled to appoint an Alternate who, in the absence of the Dele- gate, shall be entitled to exercice all the functions and rights of the Delegate. ARTICLE 2. Functionsof the Agency. A. The Agency shall allocate German reparation among the Signatory Governments in accord- ance with the provisions of this Agreement and of any other agreements from time to time in force among the Signatory Gov- ernments. For this purpose, the Agency shall be the medium through which the Signatory Gov- ernments receive information con- cerning, and express their wishes in regard to, items available as reparation. B. The Agency shall deal with all questions relating to the resti- tution to a Signatory Government of property situated in one of the Western Zones of Germany which may be referred to it by the Com- mander of that Zone (acting on behalf of his Government), in