Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/891

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. represent6 Ala Conference de Paris sur les R6parations. Des qu'il aura 6te signe par des Gouvernements ayant droit col- lectivement a au moins 80 p. 100 des parts pr6vues pour les Gou- vernements signataires dansla cate gorie A des reparations alleman- des, il entrera en vigueur entre lesdits Gouvernements. L'Accord sera ensuite en vigueur entre lesdits Gouvernements et tel Gouvernement qui le signerait ulterieurement. ARTICLE 2. Signature. La signature par chaque Gou- vernement contractant sera con- sideree comme impliquant que l'effet du present Accord s'etend A ses colonies, territoires d'outre- mer et territoires sous sa protec- tion, ou sa suzerainet6, ou sur lesquels il exerce actuellement un mandat. En foi de quoi, les soussignes, dAment habilites par leurs Gou- vernements respectifs, ont sign6 a Paris le present Accord, en langues anglaise et frangaise, les deux textes faisant egalement foi, en un seul exemplaire qui sera depose dans les archives du Gouverne- ment de la Republique frangaise, lequel Gouvernement remettra copie conforme de ce texte A chacun des Gouvernements sig- nataires. Government represented at the Paris Conference on Reparation. As soon as it has been signed on behalf of Governments collectively entitled to not less than 80 p. 100 of the aggregate of shares in Cate- gory A of German reparation, it shall come into force [I] among such Signatory Governments. The Agreement shall thereafter be in force among such Govern- ments and those Governments on whose behalf it is subsequently signed. ARTICLE 2. Signature. The signature of each contract- ing Government shall be deemed to mean that the effect of the present Agreement extends to the colonies and overseas territories of such Government, and to terri- tories under its protection or suzerainety or over which it at present exercises a mandate. In witness whereof, the under- signed, duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed in Paris the present Agree- ment in the English and French languages, the two texts being equally authentic, in a single original, which shall be deposited in the Archives of the Govern- ment of the French Republic, a certified copy thereof beeing fur- nished by that Government to each signatory Government. 14 mars 1946 ..... Pour Albanie, For Albania, Pour les Etats-Unis 14 janvier 1946... d'Amrique For the United States of America, Signe : KAHREMAN YLI,. Sign : JEFFERSON CAFFEBY. I [The agreement came into force on Jan. 24, 1946. 3182