Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/902

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-GERMAN PROPERTY IN SWEDEN-JULY 18, 1946 S. The Allied Governments will, in due time, require Germany or deCrsttandin y the future German Government to confirm the provisions of this Germany. understanding insofar as they affect German property in Sweden. 9. This understanding, together with the further letters exchanged Effective date. today, shall, except where otherwise provided, take effect upon approval by the Swedish Riksdag. [1] Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of our most distinguished con- sideration. SEYMOUR J RUBIN Chief of Delegation of United States CHRISTIAN VALENSI Chief of French Delegation FRANCIS W MCCOMBE Chief of Delegation of United Kingdom Justice EMIL SANDSTROM Chief of Swedish Delegation The Chief of the Swedish Delegation to the Chiefs of the Allied Delegations WASHINGTON, D.C . July 18, 1946 GENTLEMEN: Delegations representing the Governments of the United States of America, France, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the one hand (hereinafter referred to as the Allies) and the Government of Sweden on the other hand have met in Washington and exchanged views on questions relative to German interests in Sweden and the elimination of any possible risk of those interests being used to support renewed German aggression. Following this exchange of views, and in reaffirmation of their mutual support of these economic security objectives, the Swedish and Allied Delegations have arrived at the following understanding: 1. (a) The Swedish Government confirms its intention to pursue a program of economic security by the elimination of German interests in Sweden. (b) The Swedish Government further affirms that the Foreign Capital Control Office (Flyktkapitalbyran or the FCCO) will, for this purpose, continue to uncover, take into control, liquidate, sell, or transfer German property, that the procedure already informally I [Notice of approval on Mar. 28, 1947 by the Swedish Government of ". . . the agreement concluded in Washington on July 18, 1946, relative to German inter- ests in Sweden, and the other agreements covered by the letters exchanged between the Chiefs of the Allied Delegations, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the Chief of the Swedish Delegation," [translation] was communicated in a note of that date from the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs to the American Mi-ister at Stockholm.] 3193