Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/908

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-GERMAN PROPERTY IN SWEDEN-JULY 18, 1946 The Chief of the Swedish Delegationto the Chiefs of the Allied Delegations WASHINGTON, D.C. July 18, 1946 GENTLEMEN: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date in the following terms: "In connection with the understanding we have reached, the Allied Delegations requested that the Swedish Government take all appropriate steps to expedite and complete the repatriation of obnoxious Germans now in Sweden. "In this connection, the Allied Delegations have noted with satisfaction the steps already taken." I wish to state that it is the policy of the Government of Sweden to repatriate as soon as possible such Germans as are determined by the Government of Sweden, after appropriate investigation, to be obnoxious. Accept, Gentlemen, the renewed assurances of my most distin- guished consideration. EMIL SANDSTROM. Chief of Swedish Delegation To the CHIEFS OF THE ALLIED DELEGATIONS The Chiefs of the Allied Delegationsto the Chief of the Swedish Delegation WASHINGTON, D.C . July 18, 1946 DEAR JUSTICE SANDSTROM: In connection with the understanding we have reached, we have discussed the property in Sweden of the German State Railways. We understand that the Swedish Government will give favorable con- sideration to the question of putting the rolling stock and accessories found in Sweden of the German State Railways at the disposal of the appropriate Allied authorities. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of our most distinguished consideration. SEYMOUR J RUBIN Chief of Delegation of United States CHRISTIAN VALENSI Chief of French Delegation FRANCIS W McCOMBE Chief of Delegation of United Kingdom Justice EMIL SANDSTROM Chief of Swedish Delegation 3199 Oernian 9tl:tt A:il- ways.