Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/973

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il STAT.] ECUADOR-COOPERATIVE EDUCATION-JAN . 22, 1945 during the existence of this agreement, without regard to annual periods or fiscal years. In the event that upon the expiration of each twelve-month period of this agreement, and again six months before its final expiration, the Foundation deems that the funds which it has set aside for the payment of salaries and other expenses directly payable to members of the Field Staff, as provided in Clause 5 hereof, will be more than is needed for the purpose, the Foundation will thereupon advise the Republic of the surplus which it can accordingly make available for projects and such additional sum shall be paid into the Servicio bank account or be otherwise disposed of pursuant to this agreement. The Minister and the Special Representative of the Foundation shall determine by mutual agreement the disposition of any unobli- gated funds and of any personal property remaining in the control of the Servicio upon the termination of this agreement. 11. All rights and privileges which are enjoyed by governmental and official divisions or agencies of the Republic shall accrue to the Servicio. Such rights and privileges shall include, for example, free postal, telegraph, and telephone service, special government rates on transportation companies, and also freedom and immunity from excise, stamp, property, income and all other taxes, as well as from consular charges and customs duties upon imports for the use of the Servicio in the cooperative educational program. The Foundation shall enjoy the same rights and exemptions with respect to its acts and property relating to the cooperative program. 12. All materials, equipment, and supplies purchased with program funds shall become and remain the property of the Republic and shall be devoted to the program. 13. Any right, power, or duty conferred by this agreement upon either the Minister, the Special Representative of the Foundation, or the Director of the Servicio, may be delegated by the recipient thereof to representatives in writing, provided that such representa- tives are satisfactory to the other parties. Regardless of the naming of said representatives, the Minister and the Special Representative of the Foundation shall have the right to refer any matter directly to one another for discussion and decision. 14. This agreement may be amended from time to time if deemed advisable by the parties hereto, such amendments to be in writing and signed by the representatives of the Republic and the Foundation. 15. The Executive Power of the Republic will take the necessary steps to obtain the legislation, decrees, orders or resolutions necessary to carry out the terms of this agreement. 16. This agreement shall be in force for a period of three years from the date hereof, and may be extended by mutual agreement for addi- tional periods. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives, in English 3265 Surplus funds. Ante, p. 3263. Rights and privi- leges. Ownership of equip- ment, etc. Delegation of power, etc. Amendments. Legislation, etc. Duration of agree- ment.