Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/131

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. The American Ambassador to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Paris,December 28, 1946 3 Stat. 2422. Authorization to operate over desig- nated routes. EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to the Air Transport Agreement concluded between the Governments of the United States and France by an exchange of notes dated July 15, 1939. As Your Excellency is aware, it is the desire of my Government to see the restoration of international civil air services at the earliest practicable date. I venture to inquire, therefore, if Your Excellency's Government would be disposed, in view of the existing Agreement, to grant authorization for American air carriers to operate over the following routes: 1. The United States via intermediate points over a North Atlantic route to Paris and beyond via intermediate stops in Switzerland, Italy and Greece to the Near East and India; in both directions. 2. The United States via intermediate points over a North Atlantic route to Lisbon, Barcelona and Marseille; in both directions. In making this request, I should state that my Government desires that the American carriers concerned shall have the right to pick up and discharge international traffic in passengers, mail and cargo at the points in French territory named above. Although it is unknown at this moment the number of schedules the American operators would be prepared to perform, it is hoped that Your Excellency's Government would be disposed to permit a greater frequency than the two flights weekly accorded in the Air Transport Agreement under reference. My Government suggests that the addition to the existing Agree- ment, which would be constituted by the present letter together with a favorable response from Your Excellency, should be subject to ter- mination at any time by either Government on one month's notice in writing to the other. I take this occasion to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. His Excellency Monsieur GEORGES BIDAULT, Minister of ForeignAffairs, Paris. JEFFERSON CAFFEBY 3474 No. 10o