Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/179

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. The following to the second group: Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, the United States of Vene- zuela, Mexico, Panama and Peru. The following to the third group: Bolivia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, and the Dominican Republic. ARTICLE 111 Information-Requests for modification of Acts The International Office will always be at the service of the con- tracting parties, to furnish them whatever special information they require concerning matters connected with the Americo-Spanish postal service; and will circulate requests for modification or interpretation of the provisions governing the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, and make known the result of each operation. ARTICLE 112 Publications speialclar. 1. The International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain will send out a special circular when an Administration requests immediate publication of any change that has been intro- duced in its service, and will likewise furnish gratuitously, to each of the Administrations of the contracting countries and to the Inter- national Bureau of Berne, the documents which it publishes, allowing each Administration the number of copies which corresponds to the number of units which it contributes. Additional copies of documents requested by Administrations will be paid for by them at cost. Propositions. 2. The International Office will distribute among the contracting countries the propositions which it receives in accordance with the Ane, p. 3616. provisions of Article 27 of the Convention. To that end, all countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain will make known through the intermediary of the same Office, and in due time, as established by the Convention, the propositions which they formulate for Universal Congresses, in order that such propositions may be sup- ported by all the said countries. ARTICLE 113 Documents and information to be sent to International Office 1. The International Office will serve as intermediary for regular and general notifications which exclusively concern the Administra- tions of the contracting countries. Said Administrations shall send to the International Office, regu- larly and promptly: a) Their postal legislation and its subsequent modifications. b) Their Postal Guide, each time that it is published. c) Maps and guides of postal communications which they utilize for both domestic and international services. 3522