Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/226

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3570 Deposit of ratifica- tion. 50 Stat. 1708 . Provisional ratifica- tion by oarrespond- enoe. AnU, p. 3546 . Ante, pp. 3M 3566. Ante, p. 3649. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. notification from its Government to the Government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, sent one year in advance. 2. The deposit of ratification will be made in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at the earliest possible date. A certificate of the deposit of the rati- fication of each country will be issued and the Brazilian Government will send via diplomatic channels, a copy of the same to the Govern- ments of all the signatory powers. 3. The stipulations of the Money Order Agreement signed at Panama, December 22, 1936, are abrogated on the date when the present Agreement becomes effective. 4. In the event that this Agreement is not ratified by one or more countries it will still be valid for others who have ratified it. 5. The contracting powers may make provisional ratification of this Agreement by correspondence, advising the respective Adminis- trations through the intermediary of the International Office without prejudicing the subsequent approval of the same by the National Congresses according to domestic legislations and the confirmation thereof by diplomatic channels. In faith of which the Plenipotentiaries of the above countries, sign the present Agreement in Rio de Janeiro on September 25, 1946. [For signatories to the Agreement see Spanish text.] FINAL PROTOCOL OF THE MONEY ORDER AGREEMENT At the time of signing the Money Order Agreement concluded by the Fifth Americo-Spanish Postal Congress, the signing Plenipoten- tiaries have agreed upon the following: I The United States of America advises that it cannot accept the provisions of Articles 9 and 12. Rio DE JANEIRO, September 25, 1946. [For signatories to the Final Protocol see Spanish text.]