Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/235

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61 STAT.] MEXICO-NON-AGRICULTURAL WORKERS-NOV. 15 , 1946 los trabajadores individuales para la devoluci6n de sus contribu- ciones al fondo de RailroadRetirement; y (4) en el caso de que cual- quier trabajador mexicano regresara a los Estados Unidos y volviera a ser empleado por un ferrocarril norteamericano, el Gobierno de Mexico reembolsaria al fondo de RailroadRetirement una cantidad equivalente a las contribuciones anteriores de ese trabajador al fondo m6s los intereses necesarios, quedando entendido, por su- puesto, que en tal caso el trabajador individual no hubiera can- celado su reclamaci6n mediante la aceptaci6n del reintegro de las contribuciones que haya hecho durante su anterior empleo y de acuerdo con el arreglo de 29 de abril de 1943". En cumplimiento de instrucciones de mi Gobierno, acepto las sugestiones contenidas en los parrafos de la nota de Vuestra Excelen- cia que acabo de transcribir. Aprovecho la oportunidad para renovar a Vuestra Excelencia el testimonio de mi mas alta y distinguida consideraci6n. A E DE LOS MONTEROS Embajador. Excelentfsimo Sefior JAMES F. BYRNES, Secretario de Estado, Washington, D. C . Translation EMBASSY OF MEXICO WASHINGTON, D. C. November 15, 1946. MR. SECRETARY: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency's courteous note of this date, November 15, 1946, relative to the agree- Ant,, '. 3575. ment set forth in the exchange of notes of April 29, 1943. 57 Stat. 1353 . The Government of Mexico is in accord with the suggestion that the aforementioned agreement be considered terminated on March 1, 1947. I thank Your Excellency most sincerely for your expressions of gratitude for the magnificent cooperation given to the war effort of our two Republics by those Mexican workers who went to the United States in accordance with the terms of the agreement of April 29, 1943. With regard to the amounts which are still owed to the individual workers, with the exception of those coming under the Railroad Re- tirement Act, it is also the understanding of the Government of Mexico that they shall continue to be settled through the channels which have been established for that purpose. With reference to the deductions from the workers' salaries under the Railroad Retirement Act, Your Excellency's note, to which I am replying by means of the present communication, states literally the following: "With regard to the funds deducted from the salaries of these Mexican workers in accordance with the provisions of the Railroad Retirement Act of the United States, the Government of the United 3579