Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/261

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61 STAT.] SWEDEN-EXCHANGE OF PUBLICATIONS-DEC. 16, 1947 3605 Agreement between the United States of America and Sweden re- December 16, 1947 specting the exchange of official publications. Effected by exchange I T . A S. 1688] of notes signed at Stockholm December 16, 1947; entered into force December 16, 1947. The AmericanAmbassador to the Swedish Ministerfor ForeignAffairs EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No. 15 Stockholm, December16, 1947 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to the conversations which have taken place between representatives of the Government of the United States of America and representatives of the Government of Sweden in re- gard to the exchange of official publications, and to inform Your Ex- cellency that the Government of the United States of America agrees that there shall be an exchange of official publications between the two Governments in accordance with the following provisions: 1. Each of the two Governments shall furnish regularly a copy of each of its official publications which are indicated in a selected list prepared by the other Government and communicated through diplomatic channels subsequent to the conclusion of the present agreement. The list of publications selected by each Government may be revised from time to time and may be extended, without the necessity of subsequent negotiations, to include any other official publication of the other Government not specified in the list, or publications of new offices which the other Government may es- tablish in the future. 2. The official exchange office for the transmission of publications of the Government of the United States of America shall be the Smithsonian Institution. The official exchange office for the trans- mission of publications of the Government of Sweden shall be the Royal Swedish Library. 3. The publications shall be received on behalf of the United States of America by the Library of Congress and on behalf of the Kingdom of Sweden by the Royal Swedish Library. 4. The present agreement does not obligate either of the two Governments to furnish blank forms, circulars which are not of a public character, or confidential publications. 5. Each of the two Governments shall bear all charges, including postal, rail and shipping costs, arising under the present agreement in connection with the transportation within its own country of the publications of both Governments and the shipment of its own publications to a port or other appropriate place reasonably con- venient to the exchange office of the other Government.