Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/317

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61 STAT.] ITALY-MILITARY AND CIVIL AFFAIRS-SEPT. 3 , 1947 Agreement between the United States of America and Italy respecting the rights and privileges of United States forces in Italy, and the transfer of responsibility from the Allied Military Government to the Italian Government. Effected by exchange of notes signed at Rome September 3, 1947; entered into force September 3, 1947. The American Ambassador to the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs F. o. No. 441 ROME, September 3, 1947. YOUR EXCELLENCY, Article 73 of the Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associ- ated Powers and Italy, provides that all Armed Forces of the Allied and Associated Powers shall be withdrawn from Italy as soon as possible and in any case not later than ninety days from the coming into force of the Peace Treaty. The numbers of the Armed Forces of the United States in Italy have, as the Italian Government is aware, been progressively reduced and it is the desire of the United States Government that those few that still remain shall be withdrawn with the least possible delay. Further, as from the date of entry into force of the Treaty of Peace, it will be necessary for Allied Military Government, which has long been restricted to the part of Venezia Giulia west of the so-called Morgan Line and to the Province of Udine, to be finally brought to an end. In order (1) that the position of the aforesaid United States Forces during the period while they remain in Italy may be defined, par- ticularly as regards matters of jurisdiction, and that certain ambiguities which otherwise might arise in regard to the facilities to be afforded them' may be removed, and in order (2) to provide for the smooth transfer of responsibility from the hands of Allied Military Govern- ment to the hands of the Italian Government, discussions have taken place between representatives of the United States Government and the Italian Government who have agreed upon the provisions set out in the annex of which part I relates to the position of the United States Forces and part II to the transfer of responsibility of the Allied Military Governmnent. I have the honor to inform your Excellency that the United States Government has confirmed its approval of these provisions and to suggest that if the Italian Government is prepared to do likewise, the present Note together with your Excellency's reply shall be regarded as constituting an agreement between our two Governments on the matter which will enter into force (1) simultaneously with the Peace Treaty between the Allied and Associated Powers and Italy as regards the provisions in part I of the annex, and (2) as from today's date as regards the provisions of part II. . 9a47-B-PT . 11


September 3, 1947 [T. I. A. 8.1694] Withdrawal of Al- lied Armed Forces from Italy. 61 Stat., Pt. 2, p. 1396. Provisions agreed upon. Post, p. 3662 . Post, p. 3666 . Entry into force. 61 Stat., Pt. 2, p. 1245. Post, p. 366. 3661