Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/320

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. . with appropriate Italian authorities upon the particular articles which, from time to time, shall be excluded from local purchases by the United States Forces. 7. miJulitarcourts, etc. The Italian Government agrees that the United States Forces, military and naval courts and commissions shall continue to have exclusive jurisdiction, civil and criminal, over all members of the United States Forces in conformity with arrangements already in force. 8. Taxexemption. The United States Forces and organizations or persons employed by or accompanying these Forces and property belonging to them or to their Government shall continue to be exempt from all Italian taxation (including customs). The United States High Command will continue to take the necessary steps to ensure that such property is not sold to the public in Italy, except in agreement with the Italian Government. 9. Policing of U. S. premises. Offenses outside the installations, etc. Persons deemed to beadangertoU.S. forces. Mutual Imbance. A. The United States Forces shall have the right to police premises and areas set aside for their special use and to employ military police patrols in other areas as may be necessary for the maintenance of good order and discipline of the United States Forces. Persons who are subject to the jurisdiction of the Italian authorities may be arrested by the United States service police within such premises or areas but shall be handed over without delay to competent Italian authorities. B. The Italian police shall continue to arrest personnel subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States Forces for offenses against Italian law outside the installations, camps, areas and buildings referred to in the preceding sub-paragraph, and detain them until they can be handed over for disposal to the appropriate United States Military authorities. A certificate signed by a United States officer of field grade or equivalent rank that the person to whom it refers belongs to one of the classes of persons mentioned in paragraph 13 below will continue to be conclusive. The procedure for handing over such persons shall continue to be a matter for local arrangements. Immediate notification of any such arrest will be given to the nearest United States military installation. C. The Italian Government will, at the request of the United States High Command, arrest, detain, and where sufficient evidence is produced, put on trial any persons deemed to be a danger to the security of the United States forces in Italy. In making such a request for arrest, the United States High Command will state its reason for doing so. 10. The Commanding General or his representatives and the appro- priate Italian authorities will continue to render such mutual assistance 3664