Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/33

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61 STAT.] CHINA-RELIEF ASSISTANCE-OCT. 27, 1947 WHEREAS, it is the desire of the United States of America to provide relief assistance to the Chinese people to prevent suffering and to permit them to continue effectively their efforts toward recovery; and WHEREAS, the Chinese Government has requested the United States Government for relief assistance and has presented information which convinces the Government of the United States that the Chinese Government urgently needs assistance in obtaining the basic essentials of life for the people of China; and WHEREAS, the United States Congress has by Public Law 84, 80th Congress, May 31, 1947, authorized the provision of relief assistance to the people of those countries which, in the determination of the President, need such assistance and have given satisfactory assurance covering the relief program as required by the Act of Congress; and WHEREAS, the United States Government and the Chinese Govern- ment desire to define certain conditions and understandings concerning the handling and distribution of the United States relief supplies and to establish the general lines of their cooperation in meeting the relief needs of the Chinese people; The Government of the United States of America represented by Ambassador J. Leighton Stuart and the Government of the Republic of China represented by Dr. Liu Shih Shun, Political Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs in charge of the Ministry, have agreed as follows: ARTICLE I. Furnishing of Supplies (a) The program of assistance to be furnished shall consist of such types and quantities of supplies, and procurement, storage, transpor- tation and shipping services related thereto, as may be determined from time to time by the United States Government after consultation with the Chinese Government in accordance with Public Law 84, 80th Congress, May 31, 1947, and any acts amendatory or supplementary thereto. Such supplies shall be confined to certain basic essentials of life, namely, food, medical supplies, processed and unprocessed mate- rial for clothing, fertilizers, pesticides, fuel, and seeds. (b) Subject to the provisions of Article III the United States Government will make no request, and will have no claim, for payment for United States relief supplies and services furnished under this Agreement. (c) The United States Government agencies will provide for the procurement, storage, transportation and shipment to China of United States relief supplies, except to the extent that the United States Government may authorize other means for the performance of these services in accordance with the procedures stipulated by the United States Government. All United States relief supplies shall be pro- cured in the United States except when specific approval for procure- ment outside the United States is given by the United States Government. (d) The Chinese Government will from time to time submit in advance to the United States Government its proposed programs for 61 Stat., Pt. l,p. 125 . Types, quantitles, etc. 61 Htat.,Pt. I, p. 125 . No claim for pay- ment. Procurement by U. 8. agencies, etc. Approval of pro- posed Chinese programm. 3375