Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/371

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMER- ICA AND THE FRENCH RE- PUBLIC SUPPLEMENTARY TO THE GENERAL AGREE. MENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE The Governments of the United States of America and the French Republic, Having participated in the fram- ing of a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and a Protocol 1 Stat., Pts.sand6. of Provisional Application, the texts of which have been authen- ticated by the Final Act adopted at the conclusion of the Second Session of the Preparatory Com- mittee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employ- ment, signed this day, Hereby agree that the Trade Agreement and Protocol of Signa- ture between the United States of America and the French Republic, 53 Stat. 223. signed May 6, 1936, and related notes, shall be inoperative for such time as the United States of America and the French Republic are both contracting parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade as defined in Article 61 tat., Pt.5,p. 75. XXXII thereof. ACCORD ENTRE LES ETATS- UNIS D'AMERIQUE ET LA REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE COMPLETANT L'ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIERS ET LE COM- MERCE Les Gouvernements des Etats- Unis d'Am6rique et de la R- publique francaise, ayant pris part a l'6laboration de l'Accord General sur les Tarifs douaniers et le Commerce et du Protocole d'application provisoire, textes dont l'authenticit6 a ete 6tablie par l'Acte final adopte A la fin de la Deuxieme Session de la Commission Preparatoire de la Conference des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et 1'Emploi, sign6 ce jour, conviennent par les presentes que l'application de l'Accord com- mercial et du Protocole de signa- ture entre les Etats-Unis d' Ameri- que et la R6publique frangaise, sign6s le 6 mai 1936, ainsi que des notes y relatives, sera suspendue pour la p6riode oi les Etats-Unis d'Amerique et la R6publique fran- gaise seront tous deux parties contractantes A l'Accord G6enral sur les Tarifs douaniers et le Commerce au sens de 1'Article XXXII dudit Accord. 3716