Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/392

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. Agreement between the United States of America and Mexico respecting the temporary migration of Mexican agricultural workers, supple- menting the agreement of August 4, 1942, as revised April 26, 1943. Effected by exchange of notes signed at Mexico City March 25 and April 2, 1947; entered intoforce April 2, 1947. The American Ambassador to the Memican Secretary of Foreign Relations No. 697 EMBASSY OF THI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Mexico, D.F ., March 25,1947. EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to the recent negotiations which have taken place between the Intersecretarial Committee of Your Excellency's Government and Messrs. Wilson R. Buie and Durrell L. Lord, repre- senting the United States Department of Agriculture, regarding the continued employment of Mexican agricultural workers in the United ppementary pro- States, and to request that Your Excellency be good enough to inform the Intersecretarial Committee that my Government agrees to the following supplementary provisions in relation to the program being carried out under the terms of the agreement between the United States 56Stat. 1759. of America and Mexico, which was signed on August 4, 1942, and 7 Stat. 1152 . revised April 26, 1943: 1. It is agreed that no change in the present wording of the Work Agreement form now in use need be made, but specific understandings hereinafter suggested are to be given effect by appropriate administrative action. 2. It is understood that workers who are to be employed any part of the time in work on the sugar beet crops will be informed of that fact and that much of such work is arduous. 3. It is agreed that when implementing Paragraph 2 of the Work Agreements, the location meant by the words "area" and "region" will be considered to be the County in which the Mexican worker is employed. 4. It is understood that in each worker's contract there will be inserted, by rubber stamp and upon the dotted line, the name of the place where the worker was first interviewed in connection with his contract, and that place can be considered his "point of origin" for all purposes under his contract. 5. It is agreed that in the event it becomes necessary to repatriate Mexican workers before the expiration of their contracts as a result of a determination that their services are no longer nec- essary, the United States Department of Agriculture will use every means available to avoid terminating the contracts of March 25 and April 2, 1947 rr. L A. 8. 1710] 3738 V