Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/4

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LIST OF INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES CONTAINED IN PART 4 OF THIS VOLUME Page Canada. Mobile radio transmitting stations ----- _-----_______ _ __ _ __ _ __ ------- ------- 3349 Belgium. Interment, etc. , of American nationals killed in World War II ------------------ 3352 Peru. Cooperative health and sanitation program in Peru--------- _ ------- ---------- --- 3361 China. Relief assistance --- -.... ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

3374 Czechoslovakia. Settlement of certain war accounts and claims ----------------.---- _____ 3410 United Nations. Headquartersof United Nations -------------------------------- ____ _ 3416 United Nations. Interim agreement on headquarters of United Nations -------------------- 3439 France. Air transport services ----------- _-----------------___-------------------- . 3445 Multilateral. Postal Union of the Americas and Spain ---------------- .- -- - - - - - - -- - - - _ 3479 Multilateral. Parcel post service within the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain -------- . 3524 Multilateral. Exchangeof money orders -- ---------------- .. ... ... --------- --------- 3540 Multilateral. Restitution to Austria of monetary gold looted by Germany ----------------- 3571 Mexico. Mexican non-agricultural workers; termination of agreement of April 29, 1943, and refund of deductions from salaries under Railroad Retirement Act ------- __ ___ _

_ 3575 China. United States Educational Foundation in China ------. . .. _____--------------- 3582 Sweden. Exchange of official publications ------..--.----------.. __________-------_ 3605 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Economic fusion of American and British zones of occupation in Germany --------.----. ______________---------------- 3608 China. Transfer of United States naval vessels and equipment to the Chinese Government_- 3618 Haiti. Cooperative health and sanitation program in Haiti

___________ _ 3651 Italy. Rights and privileges of United States forces in Italy, and the transfer of responsibility from the Allied Military Government to the Italian Government ------------------ 3661 Canada. Canol Project, evaluation of facilities ------------. ------ _ ____ __ ___-- - 3677 Canada. Canol Project, waiver by Canada of certain rights relating to crude oil facilities -_ 3679 Canada. Canol Project, disposal of crude oil facilities.. .. ... ... .. 3681 Italy. Extradition--------------------------------------------------. 3687 Belgium (Belgo-Luxemburg Economic Union). Supplement to General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of October 30, 1947_- -__ ______ ____- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- - 3689 Canada. Supplement to General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of October 30, 1947 3695 Cuba. Supplement to General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of October 30, 1947 - 3699 France. Supplement to General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of October 30, 1947 - 3715 Netherlands. Supplement to General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of October 30, 1947 3721 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Supplement to General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of October 30, 1947------------ . .-- ---- ---- ---- --- -- 3725 Multilateral. Restitution to Italy of monetary gold looted by Germany .- _ .- ___- -- 3729 Greece. Transfer of United States naval vessels and equipment to the Greek Government_ 3734 Mexico. Temporary migration of Mexican agricultural workers - .----------- __ .___ __ 3738 Sweden. Quantitative import restrictions ---------- -- ---- __ _- 3745 Italy. Disposition and care of remains of United States military and civilian personnel - 3750 China. United States armed forces in China ------------------------------------- 3755 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Military aid to Greece ----------- 3763 France. Interment, etc., of American soldiers killed in World War II -------- -- ____ 3767 France. Passport visa fees --- ____.___-____._______ --- _ ____ _ ~_ -- - - 3776 Multilateral. Continuance of coordinated control of shipping ------------------------- 3784 Multilateral. Shipping arrangements and recommendations of United Maritime Executive Board-___________________ _ 3791 Multilateral. Provisional maritime consultative council --....----. ___ -__.- -__ __- 3796 Canada. Allocation of FM channels in radio broadcasting.. ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ _. 3800 Egypt. Air transport services

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3825 Netherlands. Waiving of non-immigrant passport visa fees ----.. _ _ _-- ---------- --__ . 3834 Netherlands. Passport visas ---. __________.________ - - ___ _ __ _ _____-- - 3838 France. Allocation of proceeds from liquidation of German property in Sweden . . ..3 840 Australia. Air service facilities at Eagle Farm and Amberlev _--- -- -_- --- -- -- .- ___ _- 3843 Multilateral. Establishment of Four Power Naval Commission, disposal of excess units of Italian fleet, and return by Soviet Union of United States and British warships on loan- - 3846 l International agreements other than treaties are contained also in Parts 3, 5, and 6 of this Volume. V