Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/409

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61 STAT.] CHINA-U . S. ARMED FORCES- - Aug 29, 1947 3755 Sept. 8 , 1947 Agreement between the United States of America and China respecting septeber 31947 United States armed forces in China. Effected by exchange of notes [T. . A.S.1715] signed at Nanking August 29 and September 3, 1947; entered into force September 3, 1947. The American Ambassador to the Chinese Minister for ForeignAffairs AMERICAN EMBAssX No. 1109 Nanking, August 29, 1947 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to paragraph 7 of a resolution [1] adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 14, 1946 which reads in part as follows: "It (General Assembly) recommends the members to under- take . . . the withdrawal without delay of armed forces stationed in the territories of members without their consent freely and pub- licly expressed in treaties or agreements consistent with the charter and not contradicting international agreements." My Government, desiring to fulfill the requirements of this resolu- tion, would appreciate receiving from the Chinese Government a for- mal statement to the effect that all armed forces of the United States of America stationed on Chinese territory are so stationed with the consent of the Chinese Government. It is contemplated that this note and Your Excellency's reply thereto will constitute an agreement within the meaning of the resolution quoted above and that this agreement will be registered in due course with the United Nations. Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. For the Ambassador: WILLIAM T. TURNER FirstSecretary of Embassy ' [United Nations. Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly during the Second Part of its First Session from 23 October to 15 December 1946. p . 66. Lake Success, 1947.]