Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/421

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61 STAT.] FRANCE-AMERICAN DEAD IN WORLD WAR II-OCT. 1, 1947 3767 Agreement between the United States of America and France respecting October 1, 1947 American dead in World War II. Signed at Paris October 1, 1947; IT1.LA . S . 1720] entered into force October 1, 1947. AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE INTERMENT IN FRANCE AND IN TERRITORIES OF THE FRENCH UNION OR THE REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES OF THE BODIES OF AMERICAN SOLDIERS KILLED IN THE WAR OF 1939-1945 The Government of the United States of America and the Govern- ment of the French Republic, having resolved to facilitate the burial in French territory or the removal to their own country of the bodies of American soldiers killed in the war of 1939-1945, the undersigned, duly authorized for this purpose, have agreed on the following pro- visions: